Digital Marketing Solutions to Expand Your Online Presence

The online presence of your brand depends upon various factors and the most sensitive of them all is strongly affected once you plan to hire digital marketing experts from the best digital marketing agency.

The way your vision is presented online must align well with your expansion goals and customer expectations. At Techi Technologies, we have a team of top social media experts, top SEO experts, content marketing specialists, etc who create a dynamic plan to make your brand outshine all others online.

If you’re thinking how will the return on investment be assessed and whether it’ll be upto the desirable mark, then let us tell you that it heavily depends upon the timely and precise execution of your digital marketing plan and this is why you should hire digital marketing experts.

The return on investment for content marketing can be phenomenal if executed correctly. We haven’t spent a dime on our own content marketing, or even that much time. 95% of the success we’ve experienced with content marketing can be traced to a handful of articles I’ve written, adding up to perhaps 20 hours of work.

Some of the widely popular digital marketing tools that can help you are SEO, SMO, content marketing, email marketing and local listing. Our team curates extensively chalked out digital marketing plans as per your brand’s requirements and ensures to organize campaigns that aligns with your business goals.

Boosting your performance organically

The concept of organic growth is often misunderstood but we strongly emphasize on having a broader knowledge about it. Being the best IT Company in Chandigarh, Techi Technologies educates the clients about the intricate amalgamation of the reputation, vision, expertise and effective implementation strategies that improve the online presence of a brand.

Our top SEO experts help to boost your performance organically by improving the traffic inflow towards your website by improving realistically obtained search engine results. Here’s a classification of all the services we provide to improve your organic visibility on the internet.

On page SEO

Expanding your reach to potential customers by optimizing all pages, title tags, content, internal links and URLs on the website.

Off page SEO

This type of SEO is done by our top SEO experts but not on your website instead it is done on platforms other than your website. It helps to improve an overall ranking of your brand on the search engines.

Link building

This service focuses on improving the traffic inflow on your website by creating backlinks, which further help in reaching out to a wider base of audience.

Local listing

In simpler terms, this refers to the online portfolio creation with an intent to explain your brand’s presence in the most easy and sorted manner. Local listing helps to tap new opportunities as when people search online for services relevant to your niche, your website pops up in the search engine results.

Taking the route of paid activities

Accelerating the digital growth of your website is a combination of organic and paid optimization. Put simply, organic efforts reap better results once you back them up with the paid tools of digital marketing. These tools can vary as per your preferences. Commonly explored tools include pay-per-click advertising (PPC) and paid social media advertising.

Channelizing Effective Content Marketing Strategies

In the widely spread digital ecosystem, content marketing is an effective tool of getting result-driven performance by your brand. Content marketing is focused on crafting content for social media platforms. Content marketing is implemented in the form of blogs, videos, articles, and social media posts to yield results that are long lasting for the growth of your brand. Here are a few steps we follow things to make an effective content marketing strategy for your brand.


We curate strategies keeping in mind your short term & long term objectives.


Followed by the strategy is development of content for suitable platforms.


With effective development, we focus on finding the right ways to promote the content in consideration via paid and organic distribution following various channels of marketing.

Public Relations

Building and maintaining relations with the public is beneficial in more than one ways for every brand. At Techi Technologies we ensure to fulfil this requirement too. Our task does not end at content creation but we also reach out to suitable agencies that can help us with article placements in traditional and digital modes of media, depending upon the suitability of your brand.

Social Media Marketing

Marketing your brand using social media platforms is known as social media marketing. It is a combination of the most suitable digital platforms that offer a result-driven analysis of your present scenario and the expected growth. Some of the widely popular social media platforms that we penetrate for you brand include the following.


One of the best platforms with over 3 Billion active users


Tweets are a great way to increase interest and drive traffic to your website.


Instagram pictures or stories give your audience a better insight about you and your business.


Strategise your YouTube presence and attract a wider audience.


Driving your brand to High-level decision-makers makes it 277% more effective at lead generation.


Gender Centric platform utilising visuals and provide audience valuable services or products.


Tumblr is a microblogging platform and it is an equally effective tool for business growth.


Linktree adds multiple links and can track the SEO performance.

Email Marketing

Utilising email as a tool of reaching out to your potential and existing customers is known as email marketing. It is one of the most trusted tools of marketing and reaps benefits if your target audience is connected to you via email. This can be implemented to advertise about your brand, convey the vision of your brand or simply to put in place an active channel of two-way communication between the customer and you. Some important aspects linked to email marketing are as follows.

Data Mining

Build email list through opt-in forms, collect customer data, grow loyalty & revenue

Campaign Designing

A successful email marketing campaign designing will get the user to take action.

Email blast

Send bulk email to the target audience and promote your products or services.

How We Do It?

Beginning with Auditing

When we say auditing, it means a thorough analysis is conducted by our top SEO experts. The elements that are analyzed in this first phase are the page URLs, page titles, SEO essentials namely meta tags, descriptions and product-defining content tagged along with your social media presence on the internet. We consider this as the first and foremost step to assess the realistically achievable traffic goals.

Tapping the performance of your competitors

The basis of defining a digital marketing strategy largely depends upon what your competitors in the same field are doing and what all are they missing out on. This further helps to chalk out a plan that will yield best possible results for your brand.

Thorough Research about the Relevant Keywords

Before we reach the implementation stage, we decide the keywords that will be focused. Doing so helps to narrow down the right platforms and ways to achieve our purpose of getting improved traffic inflow. We must know what is your target audience enquiring and searching about. Accordingly, a smartly curated strategy can be put in place.

Technical Optimization

This is an essential part of on-site search engine optimization known as SEO. This activity improves the speed of your website and shows effective results on the respective search engines taken into consideration.

Creating a Suitable Content Strategy

Strategizing is the key to success in digital marketing. Even before the implementation, we customize a strategic plan that defines our creative approach towards making your goals achievable. What needs to be promoted, how is it to be portrayed and what can be the delivery channel. All these parameters play an important role in the creation of a suitable content strategy.

Link building

It is a way to procure helpful links for your website. Link building can serve to be a reflecting tool for assessing your brand’s online performance on search engines.

Creating Your Presence on a Wikipedia Page

Your Wikipedia presence plays an additional role to help you amplify your brand’s present on the internet. It adds on to the scope of improving brand visibility as more than 460 million viewers can see the information published on your Wikipedia page.

Verified Social Media Pages

It is important to add the much needed authentic outlook to the social media pages of your brand. That authenticity is brought in by the social media verification badges like those you commonly get to see on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. It is a way of proving that your brand is an exclusive entity providing reliable information to people.

Step up your digital marketing game!

Business expansion on your mind? Reach out to us and let us help you do it the best way!